Ila has a new lease on life after loosing 2.5kg since December 2020!
This 12 year old pooch and her dedicated owners have been working with our nursing team over the last 10 months to make small changes to her lifestyle to help her loose weight and manage her arthritis.
As a result she has more energy, less pain and can get back to enjoying daily walks!
Did you know that almost 50% of animals coming into the clinic are overweight?!
Pet obesity is now so common that many owners don’t realise that they are overfeeding their pet!
This problem can be difficult to manage and is often overlooked, despite the well-known health risks including diabetes mellitus, arthritis, cancer and respiratory and heart disease.
The first step to helping podgy pooches and curvaceous cats is identifying their ideal weight and then customising a plan. An easy way to assess your pet’s weight include being able to feel the pet’s ribs easily without excess fat covering, and being able to see the pet’s waist clearly when viewed from above and your pet’s belly should be tucked up when viewed from the side (see Isla’s waist in the top right image).
Our vet nurses run a free Weight Loss Program to help guide you through small lifestyle and diet changes which can help your pet reach and maintain a healthy weight range. Please contact your local clinic if you would like to find out more.