Dog Run

We organise our annual dog run between the months of September and November. These visits are offered at a discounted rate. This is a great opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have with your working dogs health. Book in your team of working dog’s annual health check examination and vaccination below.

dog eating bone

Raw Diets

Raw diets are meat-based diets (including bones and offal) that have not been cooked, this includes foods that have been frozen, dehydrated or freeze-dried. Recently these diets have gained popularity among pet owners who are hoping to provide a more natural option for their beloved companion. Although these diets may be marketed as a better…

Winter Feeding Seminar & BBQ

We are hosting a series of seminars around the topic of winter feeding and setting your farm up for spring performance. Our vets will talk about lambing in tough feed times, winter feeding of cattle, and some of the winter animal health issues to watch out for. The seminar will be followed by a free BBQ &…

Slug Bait Toxicity Warning

Slug bait (metaldehyde) can be fatal to dogs.  They are attracted to it so it needs to be locked away, even being on a high shelf dogs will seek it out or scavenge if it gets knocked off.  Signs of poisoning range from slight muscle twitches/tremours to full blown seizures.  Even with intensive, emergency treatment,…

Pete The One-Eared Sheep

Peter was rushed to our clinic a couple of weeks ago after being attacked by a dog, and suffering horrific wounds to his left ear.   Kathryn, Libby & the Companion Animal team attended to Pete’s injuries under a general anaesthetic and found that unfortunately his ear was too damaged and would need to be…

Chickens & Red Mites

Red mites are small external parasites of chickens that live in the cracks and crevices of poultry housing.  They are blood feeders and mainly feed at night but if there are large numbers they may be seen during the day.  They then return to the housing during the day where they lay their eggs.  They…